Our social community consists of groups of people with things in common. A neighborhood is a small community within a city or town where people live close together. Neighborhoods may contain schools, parks, and other amenities. People from different cultures and places contribute to the diversity within communities. A city is a very large community, while a town is a smaller community not near a city. Both towns and cities are organized as municipalities to meet community needs. Mayors and community workers help provide municipal services to residents.
2. You arepart of agroup
• Everywhere inthe world people belong todifferentgroups.
A group is made up of people
who are alikeinsome way, or
whohave somethingin
4. What isa Neighborhood?
• A neighborhood is a small communitywithina city or town
wherepeople live inhousesand/ or apartments thatare close
toeach other.
The people who live near your houseare your neighbors.
Good neighbors helpeachother.
5. A neighborhood may have a lotof streets with different
buildings. It mayhave a school, a library, a hospital,a church,
shops, offices, a park, a playground.
• Streets and neighborhoods have names.Every house and
buildinghas a number.
6. Diverse PeopleinYourCommunity
• Haveyou noticedthatnotallthe people in your
communitylookalikeor dress alike?
Someofthemmight speakthesamelanguageyoudo,
butstill soundalittledifferent.
• Thisis becausepeoplefromdifferentcultures,from different
towns,cities,and countries gofromone placetoanother.
7. They usuallytake with them their traditions, religions, customs, and
beliefs. They might use different styles of clothing and eat different kinds
of food too.
People from different cultures contribute to the diversity of our
community, adding color, variety, and richness.
9. What isatown?
• Atownis asmallcommunitythatisnotnear acity.
• Manytownsare locatedneara river, a lake,or theocean.
10. Municipality
• Smalltowns, as wellas big cities, form organizations to help
meettheneeds of theirpopulation.
• These organizations are called
11. • Thepeopleliving inthecommunity
electthemayor.Themayor works in
Themayor headthe municipalities
The mayor makes sure that
municipal services are
provided for people who live
in the town or city.
12. • Municipalservices includetraffic and street lighting,street
cleaningand repair, garbage disposal, healthservices, parks, and
gardens, as wellas maintenance.
13. Community workers
• Besides themayor, manyother people work providing
• These people are calledcommunityworkers.