Eric Samuel Kuhoga is a Tanzanian citizen seeking a position in development work related to gender or a related field. He has a Bachelor's degree in Gender and Development and experience working for organizations in teaching, research, project facilitation, and gender advising. His skills include expertise in gender and development issues, project planning and management, policy formulation, and facilitation of social and economic development projects. He is proficient in both Swahili and English.
IWMW 2002: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The E-StrategyIWMW
Workshop session at IWMW 2002 on " How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The E-Strategy" facilitated by Tracey Stanley
The document provides information about upcoming events in Central Wisconsin in July 2016. The Symco Hotrod & Kustoms Weekender event on July 12th will feature hot rods, music, and camping. Riverside Park in Neenah will host an art fair on July 17th with over 65 Midwest artists and live music. The 48th Scandinavia Corn Roast on July 26th is a community event celebrating Scandinavian heritage with food and live music.
Este documento describe los par叩metros fundamentales del tr叩nsito, incluyendo la velocidad, el volumen y la densidad. Explica que la velocidad depende de factores como el conductor, la v鱈a y las condiciones del tr叩nsito. Define el volumen de tr叩nsito como el n炭mero de veh鱈culos que pasan por un punto en un per鱈odo de tiempo y describe sus variaciones. Finalmente, define la densidad como la cantidad de veh鱈culos en un tramo de v鱈a, ya sea en movimiento o detenidos.
The document provides a summary of Mohammed Tufan Ali's technical skills and professional experience. It highlights his 15+ years of experience in information technology with expertise in C/C++, Python, UNIX/Linux, Oracle, and Hadoop databases. He has extensive experience designing and developing software applications for clients such as Sabre Holdings, John Deere, and the Port Authority of NY&NJ.
Writing the NIH K Award (SF 424): K08-K23 Applications & Individual CDAsUCLA CTSI
This document provides guidance for applicants seeking a K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The K08 award supports advanced research training for clinicians to foster their development into independent clinical investigators. Applicants must develop a career development plan in consultation with a primary mentor. This includes proposing a mentored research project, obtaining training in responsible conduct of research, and describing the institutional environment and commitment to the applicant's career development. The application involves multiple sections including biographical sketches, statements of support from mentors and consultants, and reference letters. The overall goal is for applicants to demonstrate their potential to develop into independent clinical investigators.
This curriculum vitae is for Mirriam Njeri Thuo Andabwa, a Kenyan national with over 15 years of experience in finance and administration roles. She currently works as the Finance and Administration Executive for Nexus Business Advisory Ltd & Jelani Ltd, managing the finance and administration departments. Previously she held several roles such as Administration, Finance and Customer Care Assistant and Finance and Administration Assistant for various companies. She has a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Usse average internal rate of return (airr), don't use internal rate of retur...Futurum2
This is to document the email correspondences with Prof. Peter M. DeMarzo (Stanford University) and Prof. Carlo Alberto Magni with regards to Average Internal Rate of Return in Dec 2015.
Are P/E Ratios a Poor Measure of Value? Valuation LinkedIn DiscussionFuturum2
This group is dedicated to business valuation professionals and includes discussions on various topics related to business valuation. Recent discussions include comments on an article about flaws in using price to earnings ratios to measure value, with members agreeing the accounting earnings used can be unreliable. Other discussions focus on returns on invested capital being an important metric, the difference between stock pricing and business value, and the importance of entity-specific risks to management versus market risks.
Use average internal rate of return (airr), don't use internal rate of return...Futurum2
This document summarizes communications between Prof. Carlo Alberto Magni and an individual asking about the Average Internal Rate of Return (AIRR) methodology. Prof. Magni explains that AIRR overcomes flaws in the traditional Internal Rate of Return (IRR) approach by taking a weighted average of internal rates of return using the cost of capital as weights, rather than assuming reinvestment at the IRR. He provides references for papers elaborating on the shortcomings of IRR and advantages of AIRR. The discussion includes examples of calculating interim investment values and rates of return used in AIRR. While maintaining the IRR acronym, Prof. Magni acknowledges AIRR is a misnomer as the
A quick comment on pablo fernandez' article capm an absurd model draftFuturum2
This is to document email correspondence with Prof. Peter M. DeMarzo (Stanford University, USA) and Ignacio Velez-Pareja (Columbia) with regards to the article by Pablo Fernandez posted at under the title "CAPM: An Absurd Model"
Summing up about growing and non growing perpetuities wacc levered and tax sa...Futurum2
In this note we reconsider in detail the proper discount rate for cash flows in perpetuity, the present value of tax savings and the calculation of terminal value. The note clarifies the use of real discount rates and concludes with a formulation that is inflation-neutral for a given assumption on the discount rate for the tax savings. We find that the only discount rate for tax savings that makes the value of the perpetuity inflation-neutral is Kd, the cost of debt. We also reconsider the intuitive approach to calculate the cost of capital for perpetuities from the nominal rates that compose that cost of capital, and then
converting it into real cost of capital using Fisher relationship.
Ignacio Velez-Pareja : From the 際際滷 Rule to the Black BerryFuturum2
1. The document discusses using financial modeling as a tool for business valuation and value management, rather than just for transactions like selling or buying a company.
2. It proposes developing a comprehensive financial model with traditional statements plus a cash budget to estimate how decisions impact future cash flows and value. This allows management to proactively shape the future rather than just reacting to the past.
3. The model incorporates factors like inflation, growth, and policies to evaluate risks and test scenarios. It is based on double-entry accounting to help ensure accuracy and identify errors.
Surplus revaluasi atau penilaian kembali aset tetapFuturum2
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang apakah akun "Surplus Revaluasi Aset Tetap" dapat direklasifikasi menjadi akun "Modal Saham". PSAK dan IAS mengijinkan reklasifikasi surplus revaluasi ke saldo laba, namun tidak mengijinkan reklasifikasi ke akun lain seperti modal saham. Aturan pajak mengizinkan kapitalisasi surplus revaluasi menjadi modal saham, namun hal ini bertentangan dengan standar akuntansi.
Perpetuity and growing pepetuity formula derivationFuturum2
This 7-page document from discusses the derivation of formulas for calculating the present value of perpetuities and growing perpetuities. It is written in Indonesian and contains multiple pages of equations and analysis. The document prohibits copying or distributing its contents without written permission from the author. It directs readers with questions or comments to the website and notes that all rights are reserved by FUTURUM.
15-minute lesson- watch out the formula that you use for roa (return on assets)Futurum2
The document is a 15-minute lesson on the formula used to calculate return on assets (ROA). It cautions readers to watch out for the formula they use for ROA calculations. The 8-page document is from the website and contains a disclaimer stating that the opinions expressed are those of FUTURUM as of the date written and are subject to change. It also states that the document may not be reproduced without written permission from the authors and FUTURUM.
Akuisisi aset atau akuisisi bisnis asc topic 805Futurum2
Transaksi akuisisi aset atau bisnis memiliki konsekuensi akuntansi dan pajak yang berbeda. FASB mempersempit definisi bisnis dalam ASU Topic 805 dengan menekankan bahwa suatu himpunan harus memiliki input dan proses substantif untuk menghasilkan output. Revisi ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi panduan lebih jelas dalam menentukan apakah suatu transaksi merupakan akuisisi aset atau bisnis.
Apakah perhitungan biaya kapital rata rata tertimbang (wacc) dalam capital bu...Futurum2
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perhitungan Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) yang tepat dalam capital budgeting perusahaan. WACC merupakan rata-rata tertimbang dari biaya komponen modal dan pinjaman perusahaan, namun perhitungannya perlu mempertimbangkan dampak perubahan rasio leverage terhadap biaya modal dan pinjaman.
Usse average internal rate of return (airr), don't use internal rate of retur...Futurum2
This is to document the email correspondences with Prof. Peter M. DeMarzo (Stanford University) and Prof. Carlo Alberto Magni with regards to Average Internal Rate of Return in Dec 2015.
Are P/E Ratios a Poor Measure of Value? Valuation LinkedIn DiscussionFuturum2
This group is dedicated to business valuation professionals and includes discussions on various topics related to business valuation. Recent discussions include comments on an article about flaws in using price to earnings ratios to measure value, with members agreeing the accounting earnings used can be unreliable. Other discussions focus on returns on invested capital being an important metric, the difference between stock pricing and business value, and the importance of entity-specific risks to management versus market risks.
Use average internal rate of return (airr), don't use internal rate of return...Futurum2
This document summarizes communications between Prof. Carlo Alberto Magni and an individual asking about the Average Internal Rate of Return (AIRR) methodology. Prof. Magni explains that AIRR overcomes flaws in the traditional Internal Rate of Return (IRR) approach by taking a weighted average of internal rates of return using the cost of capital as weights, rather than assuming reinvestment at the IRR. He provides references for papers elaborating on the shortcomings of IRR and advantages of AIRR. The discussion includes examples of calculating interim investment values and rates of return used in AIRR. While maintaining the IRR acronym, Prof. Magni acknowledges AIRR is a misnomer as the
A quick comment on pablo fernandez' article capm an absurd model draftFuturum2
This is to document email correspondence with Prof. Peter M. DeMarzo (Stanford University, USA) and Ignacio Velez-Pareja (Columbia) with regards to the article by Pablo Fernandez posted at under the title "CAPM: An Absurd Model"
Summing up about growing and non growing perpetuities wacc levered and tax sa...Futurum2
In this note we reconsider in detail the proper discount rate for cash flows in perpetuity, the present value of tax savings and the calculation of terminal value. The note clarifies the use of real discount rates and concludes with a formulation that is inflation-neutral for a given assumption on the discount rate for the tax savings. We find that the only discount rate for tax savings that makes the value of the perpetuity inflation-neutral is Kd, the cost of debt. We also reconsider the intuitive approach to calculate the cost of capital for perpetuities from the nominal rates that compose that cost of capital, and then
converting it into real cost of capital using Fisher relationship.
Ignacio Velez-Pareja : From the 際際滷 Rule to the Black BerryFuturum2
1. The document discusses using financial modeling as a tool for business valuation and value management, rather than just for transactions like selling or buying a company.
2. It proposes developing a comprehensive financial model with traditional statements plus a cash budget to estimate how decisions impact future cash flows and value. This allows management to proactively shape the future rather than just reacting to the past.
3. The model incorporates factors like inflation, growth, and policies to evaluate risks and test scenarios. It is based on double-entry accounting to help ensure accuracy and identify errors.
Surplus revaluasi atau penilaian kembali aset tetapFuturum2
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang apakah akun "Surplus Revaluasi Aset Tetap" dapat direklasifikasi menjadi akun "Modal Saham". PSAK dan IAS mengijinkan reklasifikasi surplus revaluasi ke saldo laba, namun tidak mengijinkan reklasifikasi ke akun lain seperti modal saham. Aturan pajak mengizinkan kapitalisasi surplus revaluasi menjadi modal saham, namun hal ini bertentangan dengan standar akuntansi.
Perpetuity and growing pepetuity formula derivationFuturum2
This 7-page document from discusses the derivation of formulas for calculating the present value of perpetuities and growing perpetuities. It is written in Indonesian and contains multiple pages of equations and analysis. The document prohibits copying or distributing its contents without written permission from the author. It directs readers with questions or comments to the website and notes that all rights are reserved by FUTURUM.
15-minute lesson- watch out the formula that you use for roa (return on assets)Futurum2
The document is a 15-minute lesson on the formula used to calculate return on assets (ROA). It cautions readers to watch out for the formula they use for ROA calculations. The 8-page document is from the website and contains a disclaimer stating that the opinions expressed are those of FUTURUM as of the date written and are subject to change. It also states that the document may not be reproduced without written permission from the authors and FUTURUM.
Akuisisi aset atau akuisisi bisnis asc topic 805Futurum2
Transaksi akuisisi aset atau bisnis memiliki konsekuensi akuntansi dan pajak yang berbeda. FASB mempersempit definisi bisnis dalam ASU Topic 805 dengan menekankan bahwa suatu himpunan harus memiliki input dan proses substantif untuk menghasilkan output. Revisi ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi panduan lebih jelas dalam menentukan apakah suatu transaksi merupakan akuisisi aset atau bisnis.
Apakah perhitungan biaya kapital rata rata tertimbang (wacc) dalam capital bu...Futurum2
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perhitungan Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) yang tepat dalam capital budgeting perusahaan. WACC merupakan rata-rata tertimbang dari biaya komponen modal dan pinjaman perusahaan, namun perhitungannya perlu mempertimbangkan dampak perubahan rasio leverage terhadap biaya modal dan pinjaman.
THSYU Launches Innovative Cryptocurrency Platform: A New Era of Secure and Ef...Google
THSYU, a trailblazer in the global cryptocurrency trading landscape, is thrilled to announce the launch of its cutting-edge trading platform. This innovative platform is meticulously designed to provide secure, efficient, and user-friendly trading solutions. With this development, THSYU solidifies its position in the competitive cryptocurrency market while demonstrating its commitment to leveraging advanced technology for the protection of user assets.
One night, deep within one of those YouTube rabbit holes-you know, the ones where you progress from video to video until you already can't remember what you were searching for-well, I found myself stuck in crypto horror stories. I have watched people share how they lost access to their Bitcoin wallets, be it through hacks, forgotten passwords, glitches in software, or mislaid seed phrases. Some of the stupid mistakes made me laugh; others were devastating losses. At no point did I think I would be the next story. Literally the next morning, I tried to get to my wallet like usual, but found myself shut out. First, I assumed it was some sort of minor typo, but after multiple attempts-anything I could possibly do with the password-I realized that something had gone very wrong. $400,000 in Bitcoin was inside that wallet. I tried not to panic. Instead, I went back over my steps, checked my saved credentials, even restarted my device. Nothing worked. The laughter from last night's videos felt like a cruel joke now. This wasn't funny anymore. It was then that I remembered: One of the videos on YouTube spoke about Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven. It was some dude who lost his crypto in pretty similar circumstances. He swore on their expertise; I was out of options and reached out to them. From the very moment I contacted them, their staff was professional, patient, and very knowledgeable indeed. I told them my case, and then they just went ahead and introduced me to the plan. They reassured me that they have dealt with cases similar to this-and that I wasn't doomed as I felt. Over the course of a few days, they worked on meticulously analyzing all security layers around my wallet, checking for probable failure points, and reconstructing lost credentials with accuracy and expertise. Then came the call that changed everything: Your funds are safe. Youre back in. I cant even put into words the relief I felt at that moment. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven didnt just restore my walletthey restored my sanity. I walked away from this experience with two important lessons:
1. Never, ever neglect a wallet backup.
2. If disaster strikes, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is the only name you need to remember.
If you're reading this and thinking, "That would never happen to me," I used to think the same thing.油Until油it油did.
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven at post dot com
WHATSAPP: +44 (7460) (622730)
TELEGRAM: @ cranixethicalsolutionshaven
_Offshore Banking and Compliance Requirements.pptxLDM Global
Offshore banking allows individuals and businesses to hold accounts in foreign jurisdictions, offering benefits like privacy, asset protection, and potential tax advantages. However, strict compliance regulations govern these banks to prevent financial crimes. Key requirements include Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws, along with international regulations like FATCA (for U.S. taxpayers) and CRS (for global tax transparency).
油iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY consists of professional hackers who specialize in securing compromised devices, accounts, and websites, as well as recovering stolen bitcoin and funds lost to scams. They operate efficiently and securely, ensuring a swift resolution without alerting external parties. From the very beginning, they have successfully delivered on their promises while maintaining complete discretion.油 Few organizations take the extra step to investigate network security risks, provide critical information, or handle sensitive matters with such油 油professionalism. The iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY team helped me retrieve $364,000 that had been stolen from my corporate bitcoin wallet. I am incredibly grateful for their assistance and for providing me with additional insights into the unidentified individuals behind the theft.
油 油Webpage; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com
whatsapp; +1 240. 803. 3. 706油 油油
Paper: The World Game (s) Great Redesign.pdfSteven McGee
Paper: The Great Redesign of The World Game (s): Equitable, Ethical, Eco Economic Epochs for programmable money, economy, big data, artificial intelligence , quantum computing.. federation, federated liquidity e.g., the "JP Morgan - Knickerbocker protocol" / global unified value unit
The Monitoring presents the analysis of Ukraine's exports and imports, key trends, and business impediments. In December 2024, exports increased by only 2% yoy, while in January 2025, they fell by 8% yoy due to declining agricultural stocks. The physical volumes of wheat, corn, and sunflower oil exports continue to decline, although export prices remain relatively high.
The Monitoring also includes an analysis of key impediments for exporters, such as labor shortages, rising raw material costs, and the impact of the energy situation. Special attention is given to the Comprehensive Economic Partnership between Ukraine and the UAE, which grants duty-free access for 96.6% of Ukrainian goods.
More details are available on the website.
Learn essential accounting strategies to keep your small business financially healthy. From bookkeeping to payroll services, this guide covers key tips for better financial management. For more information contact now!