<3 >> sImPlE CuTE PurPle-LuViE!<< <3
~ hAi tHer..WelCome 2 GhaYupOnnuE'S pRoFiE.. (^^,)
~m SOoo iN lUrvE & crAzY WiF PURPle StuFFx ('',) !!
~ A BiG ChAtEr-boX..'EntErtAinEr' .. HEhee
~LovE My FreNX to D max !!" Dey MakIn my liFe colurful n FreAkin-Awsum!" (^,^)
~gaL WhO r EnjoyinK er TeenAge-HooD wIth Er cRazzY FrEnDZ! =D
~i OpeNed my cute littlE EyeS to See ThiS WorLd s on 31st aUg 199* !!
~Imma DadY's cute sWit lil'-pRinCeSS. . .O:-)
~muSiQ is My World,PassIon,BlooD,HeaRt....EvEritin...!SimplY, MusIc KipInk Me alivE Wen SadnEss N Boredom StrikEs Mie...
~Handpon+n mY lAppy ( My CllooZZt FrenZ)
~Like To Help pEeple Who r Inn nEEd