Renewable energy - Hydro, Wind and Thermoelectrical (biomass) power plants.
Petroleum and gas automation systems
Project and Risk Manager on EPC contracts.
Project for Innovation, R&D
Master Degree EnergÃas Renovables (2014-2015)
CEU - Universidad San Pablo - Madrid
- RISKARE Consulting (since jun/16)
Senior Consulting for Business and Innovation Development
- FIEB - SENAI/CIMATEC (nov/15 - jun/16)
Consultor III / Gerente de Projetos de Inovação Tecnológica.
- Renergy Eficiência (fev/15 - nov/15)
Diretor de novos negócios - Projetos em energias renováveis.
- IMPSA Wind Power (set/13 - jan-15)
Coordenador de Projetos - Usinas Eólicas
- AREVA RENEWABLES (ago/09 - jun/13)