Obviously, my name is Gladz.
If ever I had d' opportunity to name myself, it wud still be Gladys,. becoz I'm not goin to be myself if I'm not named as "Gladz"!My name is what I am! It defines how I view my life, "gladly"! Issue, gumgawa lng ng issue sa pngalan=)
I love. . .
- GOD, becoz He's my loving GOD, he always makes my day literally! And he is so generous to give me the following;
- My family,. If ever I wud be born on another lifetime, I wish they are still my family! If they will still be born on that same lifetime! hehehe, At qng meron nman nun!
- Erick Anthony "Ian" Lambon San Juan,
... He is the one I want to be with forever, if forever do exist!
I couldn't imagine lif