I founded a company with my friends in Japan when I was student of university. My dreams are to make a lot of money and live in other country by30. And finally, I wanna make my company bigger and bigger!! I'm in important point of my life. So, I want to make this time more valuable.
Öêʽ»áÉçGreenLordMotors ¥×¥í¥â©`¥·¥ç¥óµ£µ±
Öêʽ»áÉç Rosalie évÎ÷¥×¥í¥À¥¯¥È¥Þ¥Í¥¸¥á¥ó¥Èµ£µ±
Twitter : HH4389
¥Ö¥í¥° : http://ameblo.jp/hiroyuki0115/