1. Real name: *Everlyn*
2. Nickname(s): Evie.. Korrange... Mangga.. Erume maadu.
3. Zodiac Sign: Leo ;)
4. Male or female: Female .
5. Elementary School: SK St. Anne's Convent , Kulim .
6. High School: SMK St. Anne's Convent,KUlim..
7. College: Still in High School .
8. Hair color: Dark brown .
9. Tall or short: I think I'm short . I don't know how the others think .
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeanss !
12. Phone or Camera: BOTH !
13. Health freak: Not so .
14. Orange or Apple: Apple =D
15. Do you have a crush on someone? Nop
16. Eat or Drink: BOTH !
17. Piercings: I had them last time .
18. Pepsi or Coke: Neither one . I hate fizzy drinks . -.-