<3 Forever and always, Aliprince Seven <3
(琪脈¬) (琪脈¬)
: Since this is an introduction, I thought maybe I should introduce myself. I think the easiest way to do that is by one of those "get to know me" lists. A little lame and uncreative, yes I know. But easy.
Name : Nur Hayatul Husnina @ Nurul Nabilah Bte Hj Iskandar.
Age : 17.
Nickname : Hayatul, Husnina, and Nina.
Status: In a Relationship with Mohamad Nooraliputara Bin Tujoh since 17 July 2008 <3 The best guy I've ever meet because he love me when I least deserve it, because thats when i really need it
Things about me : I'm slow to trust but quick to love. I don't pr