Hari Yang Cerah Menantiku Untuk Kembali
Name : Heri Rahmadsyah.
Date of Birth : July 26, 1981.
Address : Jl. Syiah Kuala Desa Lamdingin Kec. Kuta Alam Banda Aceh.
Education :
1. Strata 1 of Islamic University of Sumatra Utara.
2. High School of SMUN 3. Banda Aceh
3. Junior School of SMPN 4. Banda Aceh.
4. Basic School of SDN 20 Banda Aceh.
Exeperiance :
3 Years.
1. ETESP-ADB of Uniconsult International Limited (UCIL) Consultant From Bangladesh. December 30, 2005 - July 30, 2008.
Position : Asst. Office Manager.& Asst. Procurement
Deputy Team Leader : DR. T. Mahmud, Phd
Team Leader : Garry A. Shea
1 Year.
2. BRR ETESP-PMO ADB of PT. Osana Lestari Consultant