mmmm......well no one can describe themselves... anyways,jst one side of it is that i live for my dreams.......which r impossible to acheive.but as napolian said word impossible is in the dictionary of fools,i will acheive them for sure.
guys n gals i m here for a span of an year so b fast and knw abt me coz then hummaare maaaang badh jaaayege and bet u tumlog muhse milne ko tarsonge ....
i salute tru love....heheheh..nt joking....dats a diff thing dat i feel shy in talking wid guls.....bus baaki jindagi rox.. i rock studies shock me ...hehhehehheheheh,,....
and 2ndly i m a big question mark ...no1 can predict me dts for sure .....parents ki baat alag hain de