Angel Diane Pinpin Manganti
→ 13 years old
→ April 13, 1999
→ Angeles City
→ Servus Dei Ü
"Strangers think I'm quiet, my friends think I'm outgoing, but my best friends know I'm insane."
"Be yourself and stay unique. I may not be the prettiest, funniest, talented, smartest or most popular ever. but i'm me and that's good enough" =))))
"LIFE is short, break the RULES, FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollable, and NEVER REGRET anything that made you SMILE♥"
I am who I am. :) Don't judge me because you don't me. :) Only God can judge me and I don't need a jury ;))
If you wanna know more about me.. you're free to chat me. ;))
Thnks for readi