I don`t really care... xD
Here goes:
I`m so sophisticated that most people don`t understand me... Zzz...
gEEz... common people these days...
more info:
- intelligent in sorts of stuff... *jack of all trades*
- quick and hasty
- could get REAL LAZY...
- procrastinator
- short-tempered
- INSANE!!! xD
HEY! this is madness!
but I`m good, because...
- HONEST *most of the time... well it depends*
- sweet?! xD
- good persons with good sense in life
- kind and understanding people
- obedient.
- humor, comedy, funny things
- weird stuffs
- books... with interesting things to learn.
- FOOD!!!
- research... *can`t let my brain get hungr