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Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Ukraine Ukraine
Head of Marketing and Advertising Department at ISEI Smart Beaty & Care Retail Chain
Technology / Software / Internet
Profound practical experience in the favourite business-fields: marketing, advertising. Diverse sphere of business: FMCG, consultancy, marketing of sevices, IT, construction. Devise of long-term and short-term strategy for marketing activity. Budgeting. Overall product and category analysis. Internet marketing (concepts and design of sites, site content, SMM, Google analytics). Oral and written presentations. Event-management.
Contact Details


于舒亳 亠仗仍舒 从舒仆舒 2013
于舒亳 亠仗仍舒 从舒仆舒 2013于舒亳 亠仗仍舒 从舒仆舒 2013
于舒亳 亠仗仍舒 从舒仆舒 2013
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仗亠仆仂仗仂仍亳亳仂仍 2013