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Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Ukraine Ukraine
Deputy Director of Business innovation center at Lviv Polytechnic National University
Technology / Software / Internet
Duties in NGO Agency of European Innovations: Team leader FP7-ICT project PICTURE and new FP7-ICT project EECA2HORIZON - http://eeca-ict.eu/ Duties of Deputy director: Priorities of scientific-information activities of LvCSII determination, planning of team functioning, analysis of activity results, marketing policy of LvCSII formation, collective motivation supporting, team trainings, effective communication with clients and authorities ensuring, strategic projects of LvCSII progress development, development of basic technological instruments functioning of LvCSII (Internet-services, data basis, information analysis), establishment of partner relationships with main stakeholders i...
Contact Details


Kulchytskyy Kyiv high tech office
Kulchytskyy Kyiv high tech officeKulchytskyy Kyiv high tech office
Kulchytskyy Kyiv high tech office
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