Pr. Janah SAADI
Director of Research Laboratory LISER at ENSEM- UH2C
Ex Vice President research and cooperation University Cadi Ayyad - Marrakech
Born in 1954, He get a Ph.D in Science Option Automatic control from Mohammedia School of Engineers (EMI) in Rabat and ENSIEG Grenoble (France) in 1994, a 3rd cycle Doctorate degree in Automatic control from Nancy I University in 1980, He is a full Professor at The school of engineering ENSEM- University Hassan II Casablanca (UH2C) since 1998. He was responsible for UFR DESA and Doctorate in Automatic control and Production. He Founded on 2006 the Laboratory Of IT Systems and Renewable Energy at ENSEM (LISER) (Casablanca) and conducts resear...