''''....LoVe Is SoMeHoW MaKiNg ChOiCeS... ""....It'S EiThEr ChOoSiNg PaIn FoR OtHeR's HaPpInEsS..... Or ChOoSiNg HaPpInEsS FoR OtHeR's PaIn.....'''''''''''
...i m not kind of person with so deep personality....
...i m just smple boy..with a simple dream.....
...living with my stuff.....
...cry with my tears...
...laugh with my fwiendz...
...shopping with my money...
...sleep with my bed...single
...read with my fave bookz...
...collect with my stuff...
...sometymz just wnt 2 b with my self...
...move with my music...
...sing with my mic...
...act like wat i am...
...i drink only H2O...
...going crazy with my fwiendz..
...love d person i love...
...hate d perso