Jeffrey Ryan has to promise not to move or speak until the game was over, a feat that proved difficult as the LA Rams beat the Colts. As Jeffrey Ryan silently cheered his team to victory, he realized the power and importance that comes when the Davids triumph over goliaths.
2. Our world is often
described as an urban
jungle. This metaphor holds
sway in the way that the
rich or strong seem to be at
the top of the social food
chain, while the rest are left
to play the hands that they
are dealt. It is no surprise to
find that inequality exists in
our society.
3. Jeffrey Ryan has to
promise not to move or
speak until the game was
over, a feat that proved
difficult as the LA Rams
beat the Colts. As Jeffrey
Ryan silently cheered his
team to victory, he
realized the power and
importance that comes
when the Davids
triumph over goliaths.