Time may take us apart, that's true,
but I will always be there for you.
You're in my heart,
you'll be in my dreams,
no matter the miles between.
"i LoVe U pApAnG"
♥Hai.. My name is Jerah Mae Ching Saguimpa.. My nickname is jen2x or jerah or jer..[its all pronounced the different..hehehe.. i crack myself up..]
I was born and raised in LAMBAJON .. And Damn i miss it there!!! T_T
I'm currently 18 years old.. with a PhD in understanding and speaking nonsense for hours ;0
I really love God..! [i mean apart that i don't seem oh so serious wen it comes to GOD im like woah super serious!]
I wanna be a TEACHER <you life>, hehe]
I try being like some sort of economistic person with the int