Me Self
~ Supah senctive!! Emotera... Simple, small but terrible! sometimes you just hav to be bad so that aders may notice dat theres something wrong..
"God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said:
"Wen i made d woman, she had 2 be special. I made her shoulders strong
enaf 2 carry d weight of d world, Yet gentle enaf 2 giv comfort.
I gave her strength 2 endure childbirth & rejection dat many tyms
may come frm her children. I gave her a hardness dat allows her 2 kip going
wen every1 else givs up! & 2 take care her family through sckness & fatigue
w/o complaining. I gave her d senctivty 4 her children under any & all circumstances. I gave her strength 2 carry her husband through his fa