-jicel .
hir :) .
kinda snobish . . if wer not yet friend , but try to be with me as friend, it can be dat ur mygurl and u are myboy :)) .. . i deal ma2halin muh aq ! yippy . . .
-some of pipol tell me im luk lyk a , mataray, suplada , maarte , mahiyain . . . yes! i am, but im a loving person kindly yet maarte nga :) . pero swit and caring ohaaaa . . . ^_^
if u dnt lyk me? well i dnt lyk u ! much and more . . .
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HA..HA.HA.. LAUGH.. LAUGH. some more Pain dissolve Frustration vanish, burden become lighter. :)
want to knw more bout me ? lets be my-fwend :p