...I am fUn tO be with aNd a jOlly peRsOn..
i Love hanGinG Out with fRiendz aNd gOin anywheRe..
sOmewhere Out theRe.. hahaha..
i am yOunG yEt matUred iN Life,
i enjOy its rOLLeR cOasteR jOuRnEy..
i aM what i ReaLLy am..
iM nOt shy tO shOw what i gOt..
bUt iM bit war fReak..
i dOnt waNt OtheRs tO bRinG mE dOwn..
its cool tO bE ME... (^_^)
im nOt ideaListiC..
i jUz want TRUTH and reaLity..
i hate fakE peOpLe..
i hate pretenders and judGementaL One...
i enj0y bein with a happy g0 _lucky pers0n..
and 0pen minded and matured
in Life..
0ne wh0s willing t0 give me advice..
0ne wh0s willing t0 stay with me thru thick and thin...
wh0'LL laugh with me when im laughin,
and cRy with