Im a girl, I dont smoke. I dont wear 3inches of make up. I dont put sultry pictures of bra showing online. I dont make out with loads of guys or other girls, to get attention. Im a girl, and I am me. And Im not going to change for anyone.
Some expect me to be PERFECT but im not,for nobody is i have my MiSTAKES, WEAKNESSES && FEARS but im so contented for whatever life i have now && it doesn’t matter where i came from, my TiTLE of family name, it’s always my DiGNiTY as a person that counts. Others may see me as a STONE not a gem && i don’t give a damn,i KNOW WHO i AM, how i CARE for people i LOVE, i THiNK && what i FEEL. ME, MYSELF && i, NOT PERFECT but just the way i WANT even others