Equi Frili Brium is the Christ - the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17); the new written in a white stone understood only by those who receive it (Rev. 2:17);(Rev. 3:12); the Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1:18; 22:13) the Bright and Morning Star (Rev 22:16) in the person of Gen. Hilario Camino Moncado bestowed on him at the age of eleven after his initiation and preparation at the College of Mystery in Calcutta, India in 1907. Later at twelve (12) years old he became the Supreme Grand Master of the Grand Order of the Mystic and Psychic Masters of India.
Equi Frili Brium means, "I am the Way of Equality; I am the Truth of Fraternity; I am the Life of Liberty and the Master of Equifrilibricum" in the pur