This document discusses expanding the sixth grade program at TPJA by adding additional sections. It presents two scenarios: Scenario A adds a second sixth grade section at the current facility, while Scenario B adds sections at a new off-site location. Both options allow more students to access the Tempe Prep model and increase funding. Scenario A maximizes existing resources but could strain capacity, while Scenario B alleviates space constraints but introduces new administrative and logistical challenges. A hybrid option of splitting sections between sites is also proposed. The next steps are to explore external space options, analyze costs and benefits, and consider administrative implications of each scenario.
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Tpja expansion presentation
Feasibility and Possibilities
2. Introduction
The purpose of this study is to investigate the
feasibility and possibilities for the creation of
additional sixth grade sections at TPJA.
3. Rationale
Adding one or more sixth grade sections exposes
more students to the Tempe Prep model.
Accepting additional sixth graders allows for
reduction of the current waitlist of ___ students.
Additional students increase revenue for the school,
helping to offset possible reductions in revenue.
4. Scenarios
Option A Option B
Add a second sixth Add a second or third
grade section at TPJA. sixth grade section at
Find space for this TPJA. Find space for
section at the current all sixth grade sections
Tempe Prep facility. at a new site, to be
5. Scenario A: Benefits
Allows expansion without acquisition of new space.
Minimizes additional administrative and overhead
costs of adding new sections.
Allows for an increase of enrollment by 22 students,
with resultant increases in state funding.
6. Scenario A: Challenges
Puts current TPA facility at maximum capacity.
One less 7th grade TPA section the next year.
Possible waitlist for TPA 7th grade siblings.
Greater impact on facilities and administration
7. Scenario A: Possible Solutions
Create second TPA 7th grade section the following
Utilize resources (grants, other funding) to offset
impact on facilities.
8. Scenario B: Benefits
Reduces space crunch on main campus that would
be caused by Scenario A.
May allow expansion at other grade levels.
Allows 6th grade program to develop its own
identity within the TPA model.
Allows increase in enrollment of as many as 40
students, with resultant increase in state funding.
9. Scenario B: Challenges
Requires location of suitable convenient location to
Creates some administrative and logistical issues.
The same TPJA / TPA waitlist issues apply as in
Scenario A.
10. Hybrid Scenario
Keep one section on campus, hold two at alternate
Sections might alternate being on the main campus
and at alternate site.
This scenario would allow all sections to participate
in the main campus environment for at least part of
the year.
11. Overall Benefits
Adding sections allows for increased funding for the
Adding sections allows more students to benefit
from the Tempe Prep model of education, further
developing the schools mission.
12. Conclusion
Expansion of the TPA / TPJA program benefits the
school model while increasing funding. By contrast,
cutting teacher salaries or altering teaching loads
are detrimental to the school model.
13. Next Steps
Explore options for external space.
Develop cost-benefit analysis for both scenarios
and the hybrid scenario.
Explore administrative and logistical ramifications
of both scenarios.
Editor's Notes
#7: Scenario A puts the current TPA facility at maximum capacity. Every room on campus would be utilized during every period of the day. One class would even have to use the student center as a classroom. An additional 6th grade section means one less TPA 7th grade section the following year 2 TPJA and 1 TPA section. This could lead to a waitlist for siblings, given the current rate of sibling entrance. Because of the different charters for the two schools, siblings of TPA students would not be guaranteed placement in TPJA sections. This makes demand for the TPA section much higher perhaps to the point of a sibling waitlist. Adding an additional sixth grade section also increases wear and tear and administrative costs on our current facility.
#8: One possible solution is to create a second TPA 7th grade section the following year, thus having 2 TPJA and 2 TPA 7th grade sections. This bubble of students would carry on through the school.
#10: Administrative issues include oversight of additional space and coordination of activity across the two campuses. Logistical issus include coordination of activity from annex space to the main campus, parent drop off, coordination with other occupants.