Born in Detroit, MI. Attended 10 different schools before H.S. Never knew or don't remember my father. Separated from family at an early age twice before I was five years old. Lived in Tyone, Altoona, Bellwood, Altoona, Pleasant Valley, Altoona, Altoona, Altoona,Altoona; varies sections of the area. Alum of BGHS. Entered the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. Alum of Misericordia Univ. in Fine Art/Art Ed., Studied in Berkeley, Ca. for 3 yrs. working P/T. Alum of Graduate Theological Union in MA in Systematic Theology. Taught 1st grade, HS, Elderhostel, 4 yr colleges, grad students, vocation recruitment, retreat work, healthcare research, Mission Services in Cath. hospital (s). Adult Ed. class