ohhey(; i 'm Julia
call me Jules,everybody does(:
i love britishh accentss! &gingerss(:
&&im pretty much in love Ron Weasleyy,,ask Sam Lord(:
singlee..but not looking(;
Sarah DiRoma is the bestie(:
Slam, Slam, Oh Hot Damn(;
i'm julia,,call me jules:)
i read...alot:D
but hey, it's only the good one's that are worth reading ;)
and i mean, goshh...what else can you do with time?!
yeahh, i'm the youngesst in myy family....and taller than both myy sisters:D
&i like twilight,
donttjudgeeme, &iwontjudgeeyou<3
hit the cell, or get the digitsssss:D
and may i point out, how Lisbon, CT is NOT in the list of