Un grupo de estudiantes del MIT analiz坦 la propuesta de Mars One de enviar humanos a Marte de forma permanente y determin坦 que el plan tal como est叩 planteado es inviable. Seg炭n sus c叩lculos, se necesitar鱈an al menos 15 lanzamientos de cohetes Falcon a un costo de $4.5 mil millones, y los colonos podr鱈an morir asfixiados por ox鱈geno excesivo de sus cultivos alrededor del d鱈a 68. El equipo concluye que la tecnolog鱈a actual no es suficiente para soportar una colonia en Marte de forma s
El documento resume los conceptos clave de tecnolog鱈a, TIC, sociedad de la informaci坦n, sociedad del conocimiento y sociedad red. Explica que las TIC son herramientas importantes en estas sociedades y c坦mo est叩n transformando la educaci坦n y el aprendizaje para los nativos digitales. Finalmente, presenta las perspectivas de expertos como Angela McFarlane, Francesc Pedr坦 y Juan Silva sobre estos temas.
Over 100 researchers and communications professionals attended a workshop at the Doubletree Hotel in Little Rock focused on communicating science. The workshop was supported by the NSF, AAAS, and OLPA and featured general sessions for researchers and communications officers as well as breakout sessions. Speakers discussed using social media like Facebook and Twitter to spread science stories and new web platforms for distributing messages. Researchers learned how to communicate discoveries in a way that generates public interest and understanding.
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Sioux City Crane Craze, Heartland Real Estate Business, August 2016 Issu...Blake Bogenrief
The document summarizes major construction projects underway in Sioux City, Iowa that are driving economic growth in the region. Several large industrial, retail, residential, and infrastructure projects are creating thousands of jobs and alleviating housing shortages. Notable developments include a $2 billion expansion of a CF Industries fertilizer plant employing 4,500 workers, a $264 million pork processing facility, and over 600 apartment units and 400 single-family homes in a mixed-use development along the Nebraska riverfront by Ho-Chunk Inc. The significant construction activity is unprecedented in Sioux City and has compressed capitalization rates on existing properties due to high demand.
The document provides guidance on interviews, presentations, conversations, and criticism. It discusses the structure and purpose of interviews and presentations. It offers tips for improving conversations, such as clarifying objectives, exploring problems, and linking different stages. For criticism, it recommends being tactful and assertive, focusing on behavior not personality, and acknowledging good work while constructively addressing weaknesses.
Applying Innovation Intelligence for Market Segmentation and TargetingArik Johnson
The document discusses applying innovation intelligence for market segmentation and targeting. It covers topics like understanding customer needs rather than wants, identifying non-customers, disruption theory, signals of change, and organizational reconnaissance to anticipate industry changes. Innovation types include business models, processes, products, and more. Framework areas discussed are risk, efficiency, customers, outlook, and novelty. Additional concepts covered are competitive benchmarking, growth vector analysis, and macro environmental analysis. The goal is to use intelligence approaches to minimize threats and maximize opportunities for strategic decision making.
The document defines and provides examples of auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary verbs in English. Auxiliary verbs like be, have, and do are used to form tenses, passive voice, questions, and tags. They do not have lexical meaning on their own. Modal auxiliary verbs like can, may, must are used to express meanings like certainty, possibility, suggestions, obligations, and ability. Both auxiliary verb types help convey grammatical and functional meaning along with the main verb.
Este documento descreve um plano de aula para estudantes do 2o ano sobre a hist坦ria e pontos tur鱈sticos da cidade de Campo Grande, no Brasil. A professora Vilma Ribeiro de Oliveira planeja usar poesia, m炭sicas e visitas virtuais para ensinar aos estudantes sobre a funda巽達o da cidade e lugares importantes, avaliando sua compreens達o e participa巽達o.
Este documento resume los principales tipos y caracter鱈sticas de los verbos con part鱈cula o "phrasal verbs" en ingl辿s. Explica que estos verbos se forman a単adiendo un adverbio o preposici坦n a una forma verbal, y que su significado no es siempre obvio a partir de sus elementos constituyentes. Distingue entre verbos con part鱈cula transitivos e intransitivos, separables e inseparables, y analiza la posici坦n del complemento en cada caso. Por 炭ltimo, menciona los verbos que incorporan dos part鱈culas, un adverbio y una pre
Vichara Health aims to develop the standard for quantifying patient harm in hospitals. Their Intelligent Error Surveillance system uses machine learning to scan discharged patient records, identify errors and near misses, and provide a comprehensive picture of safety issues, as a clinician would during chart review. This helps hospitals more efficiently monitor patient safety compared to traditional voluntary reporting methods. The system gives hospitals complete and controlled error surveillance to help improve care quality.
Applying Innovation Intelligence for Market Segmentation and TargetingArik Johnson
The document discusses applying innovation intelligence for market segmentation and targeting. It covers topics like understanding customer needs rather than wants, identifying non-customers, disruption theory, signals of change, and organizational reconnaissance to anticipate industry changes. Innovation types include business models, processes, products, and more. Framework areas discussed are risk, efficiency, customers, outlook, and novelty. Additional concepts covered are competitive benchmarking, growth vector analysis, and macro environmental analysis. The goal is to use intelligence approaches to minimize threats and maximize opportunities for strategic decision making.
The document defines and provides examples of auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary verbs in English. Auxiliary verbs like be, have, and do are used to form tenses, passive voice, questions, and tags. They do not have lexical meaning on their own. Modal auxiliary verbs like can, may, must are used to express meanings like certainty, possibility, suggestions, obligations, and ability. Both auxiliary verb types help convey grammatical and functional meaning along with the main verb.
Este documento descreve um plano de aula para estudantes do 2o ano sobre a hist坦ria e pontos tur鱈sticos da cidade de Campo Grande, no Brasil. A professora Vilma Ribeiro de Oliveira planeja usar poesia, m炭sicas e visitas virtuais para ensinar aos estudantes sobre a funda巽達o da cidade e lugares importantes, avaliando sua compreens達o e participa巽達o.
Este documento resume los principales tipos y caracter鱈sticas de los verbos con part鱈cula o "phrasal verbs" en ingl辿s. Explica que estos verbos se forman a単adiendo un adverbio o preposici坦n a una forma verbal, y que su significado no es siempre obvio a partir de sus elementos constituyentes. Distingue entre verbos con part鱈cula transitivos e intransitivos, separables e inseparables, y analiza la posici坦n del complemento en cada caso. Por 炭ltimo, menciona los verbos que incorporan dos part鱈culas, un adverbio y una pre
Vichara Health aims to develop the standard for quantifying patient harm in hospitals. Their Intelligent Error Surveillance system uses machine learning to scan discharged patient records, identify errors and near misses, and provide a comprehensive picture of safety issues, as a clinician would during chart review. This helps hospitals more efficiently monitor patient safety compared to traditional voluntary reporting methods. The system gives hospitals complete and controlled error surveillance to help improve care quality.