<<=Hey,,,ìts me=>>>>
<<Ab0ut me..??!!!!
<<=Ì am just an 0rdìnary human havìng a sìmple and s0ft heart>>=<<Ìn my lìfe,,,there exìst s0me g00d frìends,,,s0me ìncìdents,,,s0me c0l0urful paìns,,,s0me happìness,,,s0me h0pes and s0me unkn0wn evìls als0=>>
<<=Ì always try t0 keep my frìends happy>>=<<Ì lìke t0 make frìendshìp wìth all ages>>=<<Ì belìve that frìendshìp ìs n0thìng but ab0ut heart s0 age d0esn't matter=>>
<<=Ì am n0ne but a kìnd 0f sìlent b0y but s0metìmes ì use t0 talk much>>=<<Ì lìke t0 g0 anywhere wìth my frìends>>=<<Ì l0ve p0p & r0ck musìc>>=<<Ì l0ve sp0rts>>=<<Ì l0ve my dreams=>>
<<=Ì always use t0 search hap