1. Experience: -
 Software Development and System Engineering Robert Bosch, Coimbatore [@Sensor Tech, RBEI/EST, BOSCH]
Project 1 -: Sensors Data Analysis and modeling
Project 2 - : Monte Carlo Simulation
Project 3 - : LG Sensor Bridge
Project 4 - : Altitude Content Provider (ACP)
Project 5 - : Next-Generation Development Board Firmware
1.App Board, Dev desktop accelerometer, pressure sensor, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, eCompass, Driver etc
2. C/C++, Keil debugger RTOS,IAR , Embedded System, MSP430, LPC2148 AND SERIES, i2c and SPI Communication, System testing and V &V Idea
 Project Associate : @OCWT, Aerospace Engg. Dept, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
“High Angle