犂犂鉦瓦犂 犂犁犂犂 犂犂 犂犁犂朽犂劇 犂蹝む犂犂逗寛犁犂迦款犂む 犂伍完犁犂朽完犁犂 犂伍犂犂萎瓦犁犂朽犂 犂朽款犂巌犂犁犂 犂犂鉦瓦犁犂犂 犂伍犂ム款犂犂 犂犂犂 犂む犂萎犁犂犁 犂 犂 犂迦犂犂 犂犂犁犂 犂犁犂萎瓦犁犂犁犂劇姦犁犂犁...!!!!!!!
Always be happy in life and make others happy...
Learn to love....
Be nice to evryone..
Life is too short..make it meaningful..
Do something for this world..
Have a peaceful life... Then GOD will love you more....