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Me gUsTa oBsErVAr aL MUnDo PoR Un TeLeSCopIO *v*!!!ToDoS Son mAS gRaCiosOs dE lO q cReeN *0*.......oNe oF My mOsT VaLuAbLe sEcRetS!!!! I´m a little piece of universe, stopped in time-space, with a short memory, a backup plan and a pair of imaginary friends with golden laughs........if I´m brilliant?!..............I Wiillll CaLLLeD MySeLf bEyOnD THe aNooRmAl Nd eXtRAoRDinAry.....even though i still smile to d OnES THaT lEfT mE BeHinD, Is a ciRcLe But tHeY dOnT NotIcE, tHeY ArE JuSt sMiLiNg fAcE WiTH NO NaMe sAying hI..... eXpEcTiNg a hEy...........:P