Matthew Brooking has my heart, Always and forever.
01/11/09 <3
07/11/09 <3
05/12/09 <3
10/12/09 <3
11/12/09 <3
18/12/09 <3
16/01/10 <3
He is all mine, and i am so lucky to have him.
I love Matthew Brooking ♥
He is amazing and perfect and lovely.
he takes care of me, calls me beautiful and tells me how lucky he is to have me.
i couldnt ask for a better boyfriend.
And i have never ever been this happy.
No matter what, i know that he will always be there for me. we can get through anything and I love him so much <3
I could very easily be a five year old.
Sugar makes me hyper.
I am easily amused.
I am very much a morning person.
I lik