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Project 'Key To Nature', partner BIKAM Ltd., Bulgaria

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Organization / Workplace
Sofia Bulgaria
Partner in the project "Key To Nature"
Technology / Software / Internet
Key To Nature (仍ム 从仄 仗亳仂亟舒舒) 亠 亳亞仂亟亳亠仆 仗仂亠从 仗仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒 eContentPlus (仍亠从仂仆仆仂 亟亢舒仆亳亠 仍ム) 仆舒 于仂仗亠亶从舒舒 从仂仄亳亳. 仂亠从 亳仄舒 亰舒 亠仍 仗仂亳亞舒仆亠仂 仆舒 仂弍 亠于仂仗亠亶从亳 仗仂亟仂亟 仗亳 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 亠仄亳 仗仂 弍亳仂舒亰仆仂仂弍舒亰亳亠 仆舒 舒亰仍亳仆亳亠 仆亳于舒 于于 仂仄舒仍仆仂仂 仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠. Key To Nature 于从仍ム于舒 14 仗舒仆仂舒 仂 11 亠于仂仗亠亶从亳 舒仆亳. 亠 弍仍亞舒从亳 仗舒仆仂 于 仗仂亠从舒.
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See all
03 en bikam - concept of a k2 n e-learning course
03 en bikam - concept of a k2 n e-learning course03 en bikam - concept of a k2 n e-learning course
03 en bikam - concept of a k2 n e-learning course
En k2 n basic e-l course template
En   k2 n basic e-l course templateEn   k2 n basic e-l course template
En k2 n basic e-l course template
Bulgarian KeyToNature K2N Brochure - 2010
Bulgarian KeyToNature K2N Brochure - 2010Bulgarian KeyToNature K2N Brochure - 2010
Bulgarian KeyToNature K2N Brochure - 2010


BIKAM Ltd - K2N Teacher Training Guide
BIKAM Ltd - K2N Teacher Training GuideBIKAM Ltd - K2N Teacher Training Guide
BIKAM Ltd - K2N Teacher Training Guide
An assignment-based elearning course on the use of KeyToNature e-keys
An assignment-based elearning course on the use of KeyToNature e-keysAn assignment-based elearning course on the use of KeyToNature e-keys
An assignment-based elearning course on the use of KeyToNature e-keys
Short information about 'Key To Nature'
Short information about 'Key To Nature'Short information about 'Key To Nature'
Short information about 'Key To Nature'