My name is Kristina Manua
My Favorites:
Movie: NSN, HSM 1,2,3 ,
Song: Say Ok, When there was me & u
Fruit: melon, pomelo
Color(s): Pink, Yellow, Purple
09183241894 Mobile
09157921098 Mobile
I Love my:
~Tay T.
~Baby V.
I'm just an ordinary girl so don't treat me different.
About Me:
I was born on December 23, 1996 in Iloilo City, Philippines. My parents name are Nadine and Fernando Manua. I am a female who is fourteen, listens to the music loud enough for everyone to hear, changes default and song a great number of times, looks better in person,speaks with a cute voice.
I love collecting stuffs.
My height is 5".
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