~ Great ppl talk abt ideas...avg ppl talk abt things...small ppl talk abt other things n legends never talk!
wEll to defiNe mahself in siNgle word........is dat m unpredicatble!!!
xtremely mOOdy...chOOsy as per mah pReferENceS n comfort zoNe...m ambiTious for my carEEr n bElieveS in hArdwOrkiN......as Luck is just a matter of chance !!!
hmm...wont say dat m PERFECT..........as nOboDy is yet pErfecT !!!!!
EveN wonT say m uNIQUE.........as uniqueNesS limits d pErSoN to b veRSatILe.......
but...hAv d reQuiSite POTENTIAL to face d chaLLeNgeS n hArdshIps of LIFE.....
i AdmIre SimPlicIty n luvs 2 b DECENT....i hate ppl wid fake AttiTudeS n caNt bear bAck-biTTers.......
I m a