Hi! 扎(-脈脈-)朸 揃.揃卒俗`揃.揃W鰍 揃.揃卒俗`揃.揃 !!!
When I was born I was so surprised I didnt talk for a year and a half???(≠垂≠)
属*Drawing is my escape*属 ~(^_^)~
"You haven't lost your smile at all, it's right under your nose. You just forgot it was there. 扎(-脈脈¬)
Real name- Hsu Mon Tar
Birthplace- Yangon
Zodiac sign - Aries Religious - Buddhist
Lucky number - 3 鐚鐚鐘鐚)*
Favourite color-Blue
Favourite numbers- 3,5,11...*
Favourite song -"Hall of Fame" -The S