-->WHO AM I<--
.'my naMe iS May DiRect0.!
SOme cAlleD mE mayEth,anD mEnGgUy.!
Y0u cAn als0 calleD me whatever u want.!but make sUrE its s0uNd g0oD.!!
Im n0t beAutiful.'but im n0t uGly pErSon.!!
Im siMpLe gUrL.!!
My skin iS t0taly filipin0.!!
I have a cUrLy loNg hAiR.'
im sMalL my heigHt iS 5' oNly.'0pPz,
small gUrL but fLexible.,
MY favorite color is blue and pink!!
i loVe mAtH.'but i hAte pHysiC aNd chem.!
I love reading books about love..
.,eVerytiMe im g0ing 2 mAll oNe of my fAv0rite plaCe iS b0oksAle iNstEad a b0okst0rE ..
u kn0w y.'c0z iM chiep pErS0n.
aNd im n0t mAtEriAlisM but wHen we talk aB0ut dElic0us f0oD.
'0h my lets g0.'im veRy2 fUn of thAt.'hahaha
WelL i love eAtiNg ch0c0lat