♥♥♥ onLy God cAn JUdGe mE♥♥♥
thERe's A PoiNt in Life WhEn u geT TiRed Of ChAsiNG eVErYonE aNd trYing 2 fiX eveRYThing. buT it's nOt givinG up. iT's rEALizing u dHon't nEed ceRtain PpoL & THeir DraMA.. u juz hab 2 Live ur Life.. n0t caRing wat dEy tHinK!
♥♥♥ i am hu i am.. ur appR0val isn't needed switheart..♥♥♥
evry0ne sees hu i apPear 2 be bUt 0NLy a feW kn0w daH reaL meh..
s0o thankfuL & haPpY HaVing YOU.. ^___^
hu r u 2 jUdge mE?? i knw aHm n0t pERfeCt & i dHoN'T cLAim 2 be.. buT b4 U STaRT p0intin' fiNgERs,, mAkE XUr Ur 0Wn hAnds Are cLean.. tsup..