I'm Lanilyn deMesa Carola..
dey col me 'nHie * lanZZ..
<3 i'm a slut, cause i wear shorts and a tanktop
<3 i'm a bitch, cause i don't let you push me around,
<3 i'm a liar, cause i won't tell you everything,
<3 i'm stupid, cause sometimes i'm wrong,
<3 i'm controlling, cause i get mad sometimes,
<3 i'm clingy, cause i like to be around people,
<3 i'm greedy, cause i like to be satisfied,
<3 i'm conceited, cause i'm proud of who i am,
<3 i'm rude, cause my manners aren't perfect,
<3 everyone sees who i appear to be but only a few know the real me, you only see what i choose to show,
there's so much behind this smile.,
pipol just don't know..
<3 but, im not a player,