Ummm ... first of all, if u dnt knw LoOleh .. I'll say some little wordz that can describe me ..I'm Leena from Jordan, my close friendz nd my family call me LOOlEH ;) ... luv 2 live my day nd try 2 enjoy my life n a " happy way" to the max .. luv to laugh and make a smile on my face even if I dnt feel good.. I can forgive people BUT if they deserve to, cuz every1 can make mistakes .. the most thing I hate see people lying to me .. nd I hate liar BOYZ too .. if I saw a boy lying to me then he should face me ..
"advice " 4 those guyz " dnt draw near me " it's better 4 u .. :)
Another thing .. I'm only responsible for what I say...
Not what you understand....!!! ..
I alwayz say : live