TV can be both positive and negative. Positively, TV educates people and is an important source of information about world events like sports and pageants. However, TV also presents unrealistic stereotypes and sometimes inappropriate violent or stupid content, especially in soap operas. In conclusion, while TV offers varied content, it is up to individual users to choose educational programming over inappropriate options and decide for themselves what to watch.
4. Is a mass media thathelpsustoknowwhatis happening in theworld
5. On tv we can followimportanteventslike: FIFA WORLD CUP, MISS UNIVERSE ,ETCNegativePeople and histories on tv aren卒t so real buttheymade and steriotipethatpeople try tofollowSome times TV programs are stupid and violentlike SOUTH PARKSoap operas aren卒t in anapropiateschedule
6. conclusion:now the tv has been given many uses as it is transmitted great content is varied and only the user decides which programs to watch. why is more difficult to change the programming of a TV to take their own decisions to turn on your TV