Research Works:
1. "Dynamic process simulation of multi-component distillation in a packed column using MATLAB" (2001)
2. "Simulation Modeling and Development of A New Process for the Production of High Quality Palm Oil based on Supercritical CO2 Extraction using ASPEN Plus" (2002-2004)
1. Lim, C. S., Manan, Z. A. (2003)“Simulation Modeling of the Phase Behavior of Palm Oil-Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, JAOCS 80, 1147-1156, Nov 2003.
2. Z.A. Manan, L. C. Siang and Ana Najwa Mustafa, Development of a New Process for Palm Oil Refining Based on Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, 48, 5420–5426.
1. Lim Che...