Nah~~ This one i like.
well, NO one know me better than myself. :)
1st thing you must know that its not that i'm putting high rates for myself. It just i am so lazy to keep in touch. Even people said that if you want to be remembered talk more so people wont forget you.
WTH!! is that~~!! seriously i can't get it why people said like that.
If you want to remember me, Thank You.
If not, its on you~~ who cares. :P
I am so so so so~~~ UNPREDICTABLE okay.
I am happy in my own world. REAL world.
Not in a FANTASY anymore. Just sometimes. HAHAHAHA~!! ^^
I have too many dreams. *Will comes true one day*
My imagination is higher than you are.
I am 10D girl~~!! You were never expect