悋悴 悋惡惠愕悋.. 悋惠 惠惘惠愕 惺 愆惠 惺慍 悋
悋惓 悋惆惺 悋惶惆悋..
悋惠 惠慍 惡惶惠...惆 悋 惘悋悋 悋忰惆
Grief comes on time for every one in his way and there are five stage of grief, its different on all of us. But its always five Denials, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Accepting and the best thing we can do try to be honest, make us feel it when its come and let it go when we can.
惶惠 悋 惺 悋惡惆悋 悴 . . . 悋 惆惘 忰 悋 愕惠忰 悋悋
惘惡 悋 悖惆惘 悋 惠忰