*Positive thinker.
*Searching answers to All infinitive questions..
i want all answers in this single life.
Simply i asking 1000 of questions in my mind:)
1. where is the end of universe ? May i will go on there?
2. where we go after the death?
3. Shall we travel the light of speed ?
4. Are they Aliens living in the universe?
5. How predesigned in human soul in a single sperm?
6. Is it possible to TIME TRAVEL?
7. May i win the death ?
8. Billion times faster one think i want compare to light of speed.. Possible?
9. May i meet the God..?
10.Who am i..? What i did before my birth..?
Good & miraculous guy....
also searching my soulmate in the world... till now i not see my an