Quelques publications récentes:
• Delcroix E, Bédel S, Santelli G, Girondot M. 2011. Monitoring design for quantification of marine turtle nesting with limited human effort: a test case in the Guadeloupe Archipelago. Oryx In press.
• Girondot M. 2010. Estimating density of animals during migratory waves: application to marine turtles at nesting site. Endangered Species Research 12:85-105.
• Girondot M, Ben Hassine S, Sellos C, Godfrey M, Guillon J-M. 2010. Modeling thermal influence on animal growth and sex determination in Reptiles: being closer of the target gives new views. Sexual Development 4:29-38.
• Girondot M, Servan J, Pieau C. 2011. Rapid search for genetic differenti