I'm a filmmaker in Tampa Bay specializing in shooting narrative projects with actors, special events, concerts/DJ's, etc. I'm also an experiential marketer/promo rockstar!
Check out the Teaser Trailer to The Trap at :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbcsnK87kIk and Peace, Love, Unity, Revenge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkd1ZB_Fx1A Follow me on Twitter @aspectratio235 Check out my Vimeo videos at www.vimeo.com/aspectratio235
Join AspectRatio235 Productions' home on the web at: http://aspectratio235.webs.com
Also, check out www.guerrillafilm.ning.com for tips and tricks on filmmaking- Guerrilla Style! (site currently down for maintenance)
Ask me a question on FormSpring at http:/