God created mankind for an incredible purpose - to ultimately rule over the entire universe as members of the God Family. Originally, God intended angels to have dominion over the earth and finish creating the rest of the universe. However, when some angels rebelled, God decided to create humans to take their place. The earth now serves as a training ground where humans can develop godly character through life experiences and ultimately be born into the God Family. Jesus Christ came to replace Satan and qualify to restore God's government on earth and oversee finishing the creation of the universe. God is reproducing himself through humans who will help rule the universe as divine members of His Family.
The document discusses the global issue of famine and malnutrition. It begins by describing the stark reality of hunger faced by the majority of the world's population, estimating that 500 million people suffer from some form of hunger and 1.5 billion suffer from malnutrition. It then discusses the causes and effects of widespread famine, including lack of adequate nutrition leading to disease and death. The document warns that with world food reserves at record low levels and populations continuing to rise rapidly, the global food crisis poses one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced with the risk of chaos and conflict if not addressed.
The document contains feedback from students who have completed lessons in a Bible correspondence course. The students praise the course for how much they have learned and for keeping them engaged. They say each new lesson is interesting and provides new insights. One student mentions appreciating learning that all people will have an opportunity for salvation, even after death. The feedback shows the students found the lessons informative, inspiring, and mentally and spiritually stimulating.
- The document discusses the Last Great Day, the seventh and final holy day on God's annual calendar.
- It explains that this holy day reveals God's plan to resurrect those who died without having an opportunity to understand his truth and be saved, such as the people of ancient Tyre, Sidon, Sodom and Gomorrah.
- After the Millennium, all of those people will be resurrected to mortal life and given their opportunity to understand God's gospel, repent of their sins, and receive salvation, thus completing God's perfect master plan for all of humanity.
The document contains positive feedback from students taking a Bible correspondence course. The students praise the lessons for providing clear answers to their spiritual questions and helping them learn and grow in their faith. They express appreciation for how the lessons have deepened their understanding of God's laws and the Christian life. One student requests information on being baptized after feeling called to follow Christ's teachings from the lessons. The feedback suggests the correspondence course is effectively educating students in the Bible and God's word.
The Israelites were instructed to select a lamb without blemish on the 10th day of the first biblical month of Abib and slay it at twilight on the 14th. They were to smear some of its blood on the doorposts of their houses. That night, when the death angel passed through Egypt, the firstborn of every household without blood on the doorposts was killed, including the firstborn of Pharaoh. But God protected the Israelites in the houses marked with lamb's blood, delivering them from death. This first Passover foreshadowed Jesus Christ, the ultimate sinless "Lamb of God," whose blood would save believers from the death of sin.
Three students and one resident of New York City describe how much they enjoyed and benefited from studying the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. They found that the course made the Bible easy to understand and that it helped prophecies in the Bible come alive by showing how current world events fulfill prophecy. The course is provided free of charge by the Worldwide Church of God to help people study and understand the Bible.
This document is a test from The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course covering lessons 5-8. It contains 25 multiple choice questions testing knowledge from those lessons. The test instructs students to choose one answer for each question, circle the corresponding letter on the test, then transfer their answers to an answer card to submit for grading. It emphasizes the importance of completing and returning the test in order to receive the next set of lessons.
- The document discusses the Last Great Day, the seventh and final holy day on God's annual calendar.
- It explains that this holy day reveals God's plan to resurrect those who died without having an opportunity to understand his truth and be saved, such as the people of ancient Tyre, Sidon, Sodom and Gomorrah.
- After the Millennium, all of those people will be resurrected to mortal life and given their opportunity to understand God's gospel, repent of their sins, and receive salvation, thus completing God's perfect master plan for all of humanity.
The document contains positive feedback from students taking a Bible correspondence course. The students praise the lessons for providing clear answers to their spiritual questions and helping them learn and grow in their faith. They express appreciation for how the lessons have deepened their understanding of God's laws and the Christian life. One student requests information on being baptized after feeling called to follow Christ's teachings from the lessons. The feedback suggests the correspondence course is effectively educating students in the Bible and God's word.
The Israelites were instructed to select a lamb without blemish on the 10th day of the first biblical month of Abib and slay it at twilight on the 14th. They were to smear some of its blood on the doorposts of their houses. That night, when the death angel passed through Egypt, the firstborn of every household without blood on the doorposts was killed, including the firstborn of Pharaoh. But God protected the Israelites in the houses marked with lamb's blood, delivering them from death. This first Passover foreshadowed Jesus Christ, the ultimate sinless "Lamb of God," whose blood would save believers from the death of sin.
Three students and one resident of New York City describe how much they enjoyed and benefited from studying the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. They found that the course made the Bible easy to understand and that it helped prophecies in the Bible come alive by showing how current world events fulfill prophecy. The course is provided free of charge by the Worldwide Church of God to help people study and understand the Bible.
This document is a test from The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course covering lessons 5-8. It contains 25 multiple choice questions testing knowledge from those lessons. The test instructs students to choose one answer for each question, circle the corresponding letter on the test, then transfer their answers to an answer card to submit for grading. It emphasizes the importance of completing and returning the test in order to receive the next set of lessons.