Las ExpEriEnciAs D' La vidA rEfLejan lO q hEmos AprEndidO, + nO lO q ay x apRendEr, by me
I'm single 4 now, but taking things slow.
Guitar and Piano are my 2 love affairs.
Band coming VERY soon
Gigs, let's go to one? ♥
I'm addicted to Relentless Energy Drink.
I work part-time....
I also do a part-time tattoo apprenticeship.
There's so much I want done it's actually INSANE.
I stick to my opinions, however I will respect yours.
I'm not one to take things seriously, unless they're of importance.
Sometimes I worry too much about the important things, but that's only because I care.
I'm not the most mature of people, but I'd like to think I'm nice.
Cuddles? Yes please. [: