Elections are necessary in a representative democracy to allow changes in government policy through the elected leaders that represent the will of the majority. They must be held regularly, give every voter an equal vote, allow anyone to contest, and be free and fair. While political competition can create factions and allegations between parties, it is also important to have real choice for voters.
2. Why Elections? Elections can lead to changes in the policy of government. It is impossible for all the voters to sit together & make decisions. There can be conflicts without elections in diverse countries. The majority of people can rule through their elected leaders. Therefore, elections are necessary for any representative democracy.
3. What makes elections democratic? Everyone should have one vote & every vote will have one value. Anyone should be able to contest elections & voters should have real choice They should be held regularly after every few years. The candidate preferred by the people should get elected. They should be held in a free & fair manner.
4. POLITICALCOMPETITION-good or bad? This creates a sense of disunity & 'factionalism' in localities. Different political parties may level allegations against each other. They can also use dirty tricks to win elections. Unhealthy competitions will not allow the formulation of sensible policies. Some good people who wish to serve India would hesitate to contest.